Investing in Equity
in the Nonprofit Workforce

Talent Justice | Toolkit

The resources in the Talent Justice Toolkit can be used by nonprofits and funders to increase their investments in talent justice at all stages of the nonprofit career lifecycle. This toolkit presents easy-to-use resources to help nonprofits and funders take action to advance talent justice.

The tools can be used by both nonprofits and funders to increase their investments in talent justice at all stages of the nonprofit career lifecycle.

The toolkit outlines specific strategies for investing in talent and advancing workforce equity to help nonprofit organizations and funders do the following:

  • Design fair apprenticeship opportunities
  • Reduce bias in hiring and performance evaluations
  • Increase compensation
  • Embrace diverse leadership styles
  • Challenge white dominant organizational norms
  • Case studies of a foundation and a nonprofit whose practices support talent justice

These Talent Justice resources are now part of Fund the People’s overall Toolkit, which also offers a suite of actionable materials to help funders, nonprofits, and others maximize investment in the nonprofit workforce.