Registration | Agenda | Accommodations (use code GRPFTP)
To accomplish your mission as a grantmaker, you depend on the dedicated nonprofit professionals and activists who deliver social service and fight for social justice every day. People on the front lines deserve and need support to not just survive but to thrive, get results, and endure for the long-haul. Yet funders and fundraisers have not made a practice of investing in nonprofit people. Our Funder Retreat will offer relationships, ideas, and practical tools to help you wisely and effectively invest in the leaders and staff of grantee organizations.
In these deeply challenging times, it is critical to invest in the performance, impact, and sustainability of grantee leaders.
The Retreat is a best-in-class professional development experience that will engage foundation executives and trustees, alongside key nonprofit colleagues, to advance talent-investing in the field. This is a unique opportunity to advance your foundation’s goals by applying the ideas and practices of talent-investing. You will benefit from the knowledge and experience of foundation peers, nonprofit colleagues, Fund the People, and other organizations. And you will leave with your own action plan!
At the time of the retreat, we will be 6 months into the Trump Administration, an era with profound challenges for foundations and the social sector. The dearth of investment in nonprofit people is a social justice issue inside organizations, and a significant factor in organizational effectiveness outside organizations in the communities they serve. This challenge is only amplified by the new political environment.
This retreat offers breathing room to reflect, recharge, and refocus on the human dimension of our work.
Participation is meant for funders who are deeply-experienced in talent-investing, and those who are seriously exploring adapting these practices at their foundations. We welcome and encourage diverse grantmakers – trustees, CEOs, vice presidents, program staff, capacity-building officers, etc.
Nonprofit participants, invited by Fund the People, will be grantees of participating funders. Additionally, the retreat will feature guest presenters from across the field. There will be ample time for funders and nonprofits to caucus separately and together. The Retreat will be professionally facilitated in a manner that cultivates a solicitation-free environment of collegiality, listening, and learning.
Registration | Agenda | Accommodations (use code GRPFTP)
We have a block of hotel rooms on-site at the Cavallo Point lodge. Our room rate discount is available for those who register through Friday, June 2. This venue, set in parkland with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco, is the result of a partnership between government, business and nonprofits. Participants will be responsible for their own room and travel expenses. We are committed to enabling your participation! If the cost of registration offers a financial challenge for you, please contact so we can find solutions that enable your participation.
Retreat sponsors include (list in development): B. Robert Williamson Jr. Foundation, Bush Foundation, Durfee Foundation, and Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation.