Investing in Equity
in the Nonprofit Workforce

Talent Justice

Welcome to Fund the People’s Talent Justice Initiative!

This initiative helps funders and nonprofits invest to advance intersectional racial equity in the nonprofit workforce. “Talent justice,” a term coined by Fund the People’s President and CEO, Rusty Stahl, seeks to transform organizational culture to maximize access, advancement, and ascension in nonprofit careers for people of color, women, young people, and other constituencies.

These resources are grounded in original research done in 2019 by Fund the People and the Center for Urban and Racial Equity (CURE).

  • Our full Research Report, a stand-alone Executive Summary, and a set of Infographics, can serve as learning and advocacy tools within your organization.
  • In addition to these research products, our Talent Justice Toolkit provides practical resources to facilitate action on the recommendations offered in our research report.
  • These resources are a mission-critical new addition to the Fund the People Toolkit, established in 2017, which offers a slate of original resources that help funders and nonprofits maximize investment in the nonprofit workforce.

We welcome your questions, feedback, and suggestions for Talent Justice at

Fund the People’s Talent Justice Initiative Launch Webinar presents the framing and key findings of the Talent Justice research report. Presenters include Rusty Stahl, President & CEO, Fund the People; Yolanda Caldera-Durant, Vice President, Fund the People; and Dr. Judy Lubin, President, Center for Urban and Racial Equity.

Talent Justice Resources