Investing in Equity
in the Nonprofit Workforce

Talent Justice | Infographics

Fund the People developed three infographics to highlight several important findings from our Talent Justice: Investing in Equity in the Nonprofit Workforce report. These graphics focus on three aspects of the nonprofit career lifecycle:

  • Access to Nonprofit Work: How unpaid and underpaid apprenticeships and entry-level jobs contribute to exclusionary entry-points into nonprofit work
  • Advancement and Retention: How the uneven distribution of mentorship, professional development, compensation, and benefits makes nonprofit careers unsustainable
  • Ascension to Positions of Leadership: How the lack of thoughtful investment in equity and inclusion before and during the process of executive transition, executive recruitment, and executive onboarding maintains an exclusionary top-tier of leadership in the sector

We made these infographics easily accessible so that you can use them in your work to advance intersectional racial equity in your organization and work.


You can review the infographics by clicking any image below—a carousel will launch for each section. You can also download a complete set of our high-res infographics as a Zip archive (see link below).

Access to Nonprofit Work

Advance to Mid-Level Management


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